Bannork Info
  Emergency !!!
  글쓴이 : 하늘바람     날짜 : 04-10-20 11:54     조회 : 317    
Hello arnon

sorry for making you confused but today We have troble in our travel

First, my name is hong chung hun. I already made reservation to you
we(me, girl-friend, her mother), all three, arrived bankok yesterday. and
this morning we are scheduled to depart bankok airport to phuket. but we have trouble - all ticket are booked. so my girl-friend and her mother started at 9:10 as we schedulled but i'm separated from them. my airline depart time from here is 10:45 and arriving time phuket is 12:05
please, give them my airline time to arrive phuket is 12:05, Maybe they don't know my departure time because after their department  my ticket
If possible, they can shopping and tour in there. After arriving there, I'll find them at the meeting point A. if fail to find them, I'll call her to mobile phone.
 Conclusionly, Pls, give this inform to them
My departure time in here 10:15,so they may think, but depart time changed to 10:45, and after arriving in there I'll find and contact them


아논   04-10-21 01:41
  무슨말인지 하나도 모르겠네..ㅎㅎㅎ..대충보아하니 뱅기를 놓쳤구..그래서 담 뱅기로 오신다구요..근데 다 오셔서 이미 피피에서 좋은 시간 보낼 시간에 글을 보았으니..고생하셨어요.
아논   04-10-21 01:41
  안되는 영어 쓰시느라요..ㅋㅋㅋ

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